2024.09.04 (수)

  • 구름조금동두천 26.3℃
  • 맑음강릉 24.9℃
  • 맑음서울 28.8℃
  • 구름조금대전 27.5℃
  • 맑음대구 26.5℃
  • 맑음울산 22.7℃
  • 맑음광주 27.3℃
  • 맑음부산 25.2℃
  • 맑음고창 26.4℃
  • 맑음제주 27.6℃
  • 흐림강화 25.7℃
  • 구름조금보은 22.8℃
  • 구름조금금산 26.6℃
  • 맑음강진군 25.4℃
  • 맑음경주시 23.6℃
  • 맑음거제 25.3℃
기상청 제공


South Korean Asiana Airplane landed safely with an open door


Newsnomics AJAY ANGELINA reporter |

Asiana airplane carrying 194 passengers landed safely with an open emergency exit at Daegu International airport on Friday May 26, 2023.

The incident caused air to enter inside the cabin before landing and created breathing difficulties in nine

passengers, but fortunately the plane landed safely with any loss of life and injury of passengers, said the

airline and government officials.

The passengers who faced hyperventilation were taken to the hospital but no one is in serious condition

reported by the officials. 

According to airport officials and industry sources, the airplane was heading to Daegu, 237 kilometers south

east of Seoul from the southern island of Jeju, about an hour flight when the emergency exit opened

suddenly at 12:45 p.m.

The Police imprisoned 33 years old man who pull the lever of the emergency exit and confessed about it, but on further investigation remained quiet.

"It is difficult to have a normal conversation with him, we will investigate the motive of the crime and seek punishment for him,” said the police.

The passengers on board included teenage athletes flying to attend track and field competitions in Ulsan city.



Migration News
