2024.09.25 (수)

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기상청 제공


Have you ever heard about SJS?

You'll need to avoid permanently the medicine of reaction for the rest of your life.


Newsnomics AJAY ANGELINA reporter |


Anosh Johnson, 15 years from Sialkot, Pakistan is severely suffering with SJS since last week. He is in the Intensive care unit (ICU) for the treatment. It was surprised to know that his disease name is SJS.

In his interview with the Newsnomics, Anosh told that, just a day before admitted to the hospital, the rashes started developing on his face and body. He complained about itching on his body to the mother. His mother tried to solve the itching problem by applying lotion on Anosh’s body but it was not affected. Within few hours his face and body’s skin turned black with blisters and pain together with fever, Fatigue, a sore mouth and throat and Burning eyes.

Anosh was admitted to the hospital in emergency and after examining, the doctor said that he is suffering with SJS, Steven Johnson Syndrome.

Steven Johnson Syndrome is a rare, serious disorder of the skin and mucous membranes together with toxic

epidermal necrolysis (TEN) and Stevens–Johnson/toxic epidermal necrolysis (SJS/TEN), it forms a spectrum of

disease, with SJS being less severe. 

Some people consider SJS and TEN to be different diseases, while others consider them to be the same disease but at different levels of severity. SJS is less intense than TEN. (For instance, skin peeling might affect less than 10% of the entire body in SJS, while skin peeling affects more than 30% of the body in TEN.) However, both conditions can be life-threatening.

SJS is more common in children and younger adults, but can develop at any age. 

“It is our first time to know that Steven Johnson is a syndrome that severely affects the skin. Anosh just took the medicine for flue that reacted badly and turned to the sever skin disorder called Steven Johnson Syndrome.” said Anosh’s mother to the Newsnomics.  

“I am shocked to see my beautiful child turned black and scary within few hours”, Anosh’s mother added.

According to the survey, Steven Johnson usually is a reaction to medication particularly some types of epilepsy medicines, antibiotics and anti-inflammatory painkillers. It begins to develop with flu-like symptoms, followed by a painful rash that spreads and blisters, similarly happened to Anosh. 

As the condition develops, other signs and symptoms also develop such as unexplained widespread skin pain, a red or purple rash that spreads, Blisters on the skin and the mucous membranes of the mouth, nose, eyes and genitals, or the Shedding of skin within days after blisters form.


    Treatments for Stevens-Johnson syndrome

The top layer of the patient’s skin suffering with Steven- Johnson syndrome dies, sheds and begins to heal after several days but requires emergency hospitalization and immediate medical attention. The treatment focuses on removing the cause, caring for wounds, controlling pain and minimizing complications as skin regrows. It may include:

•    fluids into a vein to prevent dehydration
•    creams and dressings to moisturize and protect the skin
•    strong painkillers to help ease any pain
•    medicines to control inflammation and prevent infection


    Recovery for Stevens-Johnson syndrome


The skin disorder may take weeks to months to recover, according to the doctors.

If the symptoms were caused by a reaction of some medicine, you'll need to avoid permanently the medicine (and possibly other similar ones) for the rest of your life. Your doctor will be able to discuss this with you.

    Complications of Stevens-Johnson syndrome

The serious complications that can be caused by Stevens-Johnson syndrome includes:


•    Skin problems like a skin infection, changes in skin color and scarring.
•    Problems with organs, such as the lungs, liver and kidneys.
•    Eye problems, such as long-term inflammation or sight problems.
•    Problems with the vagina or penis caused by scarring.


Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS) was first described by the pediatricians A. M. Stevens and F. C. Johnson in 1922. First, 2 boys from different neighborhoods of New York city, America were reported with mucocutaneous eruption of a presumed infectious etiology. They were found in severe condition with high fever, purulent eye and mouth discharge, and seasonal presentation, raised suspicion of an infectious cause. Both boys were initially misdiagnosed as having hemorrhagic measles or “black measles” until Stevens and Johnson astutely recognized that the clinical morphologic characteristics and associated symptoms were quite unique and likely constituted a new entity.



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