2025.01.13 (월)

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기상청 제공


South Korea's joint crackdown on illegal immigrants 2024

Introducing "five-Year Plan to Reduce Illegal Oversight" in order to the establish a consistent order of stay for foreigners at the government-wide level.

Newsnomics ANGELINA Ajay reporter |


The ministry of justice marks the second year of “Five-Year Plan to Reduce Illegal Oversight “by taking strict and consistent action against the issue of foreigner’s illegal stay who threaten the public safety.

In 2024, the first governmental joint crackdown on illegal immigrants will be proceed by the Ministry of justice in collaboration with the National Police Agency, Ministry of Employment and Labor, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, Korea Coast Guard for the duration of 77 days from 2024, April 15 (Mon) ~ June 30 (Sun). 


The focused areas of crackdown include the Crimes of foreigners illegally residing in the country, such as drugs, workers in entertainment establishments, illegal employment in the construction industry, illegal entry/employment, false refugee agency, etc.


According to the Ministry of Justice, this joint crackdown will focus on foreign crimes that threaten the safety of the people, violations of people's livelihood, and acts of promoting and procuring illegal stay, and will take strict measures such as forced eviction and entry ban.


In addition, if a crackdown is refused without any justifiable reason, a warrant will be issued to carry out the crackdown, and any acts that interfere with business, such as injuring a crackdown official, will be dealt strictly including criminal prosecution for obstruction of official duties.


“We will do our best to comply with due process during the crackdown process and protect the human rights of foreign immigrants” said the Ministry of Justice.


Park Seong-jae, the Minister of Justice said, “An immigration and immigration policy that the public can understand is one that properly deploys foreign workers in necessary fields and at the same time prevents illegal stay. It's about managing it effectively.”


“Going forward, we will consistently pursue policies to reduce illegal stays, including crackdowns, to establish an orderly stay for foreigners,” he added




Migration News
