2024.07.27 (토)

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기상청 제공


South Korea recruiting 300 migrant workers annually to foster its aircraft manufacturing industry

“Inviting foreign talent will continue to be a key strategy to support local industries facing frequent workforce shortages.”


뉴스노믹스 AJAY ANGELINA 기자 |


South Korean government announced to recruit 300 foreign workers annually to meet the need of labor shortage in its aircraft manufacturing industry amid nation's declining birthrate.


South Korean government, after consultations with the Korea Aerospace Industries Association and relevant industries announced its plan to invite 300 migrant workers on a pilot basis at least for two-years in order to address workforce shortages in the aviation manufacturing sector.

This measure is being implemented by the government as the Korean aircraft manufacturers have been experiencing labor shortages despite the industry's growth and expansion after the Covid-19. 

Because of the increased international trade, the aircraft industry has faced challenges in recruiting a sufficient number of qualified workers to meet this demand.

The Ministry of Trade, Industry & Energy and the Ministry of Justice jointly announced the recruitment of foreign workers in the manufacturing of aircraft and components that will be in the list of professions eligible for the E-7 visa category. This initiative has led to heightened need for workers and experts in aircraft and airplane parts manufacturing.

The government’s latest initiative to invite foreign workers to contribute in the aircraft manufacturing allowing E-7 visa is a further move to meet with the problem of labor shortage.


The E-7 visa (specific activity) is a visa granted to foreigners with expertise or appropriate technical skills in a certain field specified by the justice ministry, and this update reflects efforts to address workforce needs in the aviation industry.

"The latest revision to the country's visa regulations will not just resolve the aviation manufacturing industry's workforce shortage, but also increase overall productivity and attract more aircraft construction projects from other countries," said Ahn Duk-geun, the Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy in a press release. 

"We'll keep cooperating with other ministries to prepare and train workers."Mr. Ahn added.

Justice Minister Park Sung-jae said, “Inviting foreign talent will continue to be a key strategy to support local industries facing frequent workforce shortages.”

 "Introducing a balanced set of visa regulations will invigorate our economy," Mr. Park added.

The ministries plan collaboration on the selection and management of foreign workers through the pilot program of two years in the specific field. 

The ministries will also investigate its progress and develop systems to expand and stabilize the initiative over time.



Migration News
