2024.07.26 (금)

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기상청 제공


Ministry of Justice conducts ‘Campaign to prevent overseas drug use’

“A quick dose of marijuana abroad will be severely punished on return" under Article 3 of the Criminal Act of the Republic of Korea.

















Newsomics AJAY ANGELINA reporter |


South Korean government announced to severely punish the Korean citizens if they will be investigated to consume drugs such as marijuana while visiting the overseas countries where taking drugs is legal.


As the number of countries where marijuana is legal is increasing among the countries that Koreans frequently visit, there are also the cases where people mistakenly believe that anyone can use drugs such as marijuana in those countries. 


However, if our citizens visit a country where marijuana is legal and use drugs such as marijuana, they will be severely punished under domestic law upon their return announced by the ministry of justice on May 27.


Even if they smoke or consume drugs such as marijuana in a country where drugs are legal, they are subject to the principle of vulgarity under Article 3 of the Criminal Act of the Republic of Korea.


According to the Ministry of Justice, smoking or consuming cannabis (weed) may result in imprisonment of up to 5 years or a fine of up to 50 million won. However, in case of import & export with the purpose of possession should be punished with the life imprisonment or more than 5 years.


The Ministry of Justice is conducting the ‘Overseas Drug Use Prevention Campaign’ with a purpose to raise awareness about the drug use among the Korean citizens traveling overseas especially in the countries where marijuana is legal.


‘Overseas Drug Use Prevention Campaign’ will produce and distribute videos and posters stating; “if Korean citizens smoke or consume drugs such as marijuana in a country where marijuana is legal, they may be punished under domestic law upon returning to their home country.”


This platform will also be used to raise awareness through outdoor advertisements at international airport departure halls, airport access highways, and the official SNS of the Ministry of Justice. 


The Ministry of Justice will continue to do its best by working hard to keep the public safe from drugs such as marijuana. 




Migration News
