2024.09.06 (금)

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기상청 제공


‘National Citizen Protection Solidarity’ representative including 10 people prosecuted on illegal arrest of foreigners

"14 foreigners were victims of these attacks, and that some of them were legal residents."


Newsnomics AJAY ANGELINA reporter |

Park Jin-jae, head of the ‘National Citizens' Protection Solidarity’ who privately arrested immigrants across the country, produced and distributed YouTube content was found guilty during a police investigation and handed over to the prosecution.


Not only the representative of the ‘National Citizens Protection Solidarity’ but other 10 members has also been prosecuted in charge of sparked controversy over the illegal arrest of unregistered aliens. 

On May 30, the Daegu Police Agency's criminal task force announced that it had sent 10 people, including Mr. A, the representative of the Citizens' Protection Coalition, without detention on charges of violating the Act on Punishment of Violence, etc. (joint arrest).


The prosecuted persons are accused of randomly inspecting and arresting foreigners who were riding motor-cycles without license plates or commuting to work on several occasions in a foreign-dense area of Daegu between February and March 2024. 


Additionally, during the same period, they are accused of recklessly chasing down and using physical force to arrest people suspected of being unregistered aliens.


As a result of the investigation, it was confirmed that the suspects did not comply with the requirements and procedures for arresting criminals in action during the arrest process. 


In particular, they claim that it was a ‘legitimate arrest of a criminal in the act of causing death.’ 


The police confirmed that a total of 14 foreigners were victims of these attacks, and that some of them were legal residents.


Mr. A and others claimed that it was a lawful act because the person being arrested was a flagrant criminal.


The police determined that they did not comply with the requirements and procedures for arresting criminals on the spot.

A police official said, "Anyone who has committed a clear crime can be arrested, but in case of riding a motor-cycle without a license plate should be fined. It is not a crime." 

“We plan to strictly investigate criminal acts of human rights violations targeting foreigners” notified the Daegu Police Agency


According to the current law, any citizen can be arrested as a criminal if they witness a criminal act punishable by a fine of 500,000 won or more.


However, the acts of foreigners arrested by these organizations are subject to fines and do not meet the requirements for arresting criminals in the act mentioned the Daegu police Agency.



Migration News
