2024.07.27 (토)

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기상청 제공


Nazir Masih, the victim of Muslim mob violence over disputed blasphemy allegations died

“We lift our voices in lament, regret, solidarity, and for an honest plea for justice.”


Newsnomics AJAY ANGELINA reporter |


Nazir Masih, the 70-year-old victim of Muslim mob violence over disputed blasphemy allegations at Mujahid colony, Sargodha, Pakistan has been died after suffering with severe injuries.

He has undergone multiple surgeries but could not survive because of pain and wounds.

Nazir Masih was under treatment at the military-run hospital, Islamabad, after being rescued along with family members from the aggressive Muslim mob gathered to punish a Christian man on false allegations about desecration of Quran pages without any proof.

Christian leaders and the minority nation is lament for justice urging the government of Pakistan to ensure the protection of religious minorities residing in different regions of the country. The Christian minorities ask for justice by taking strict actions against those responsible for inciting mob violence in the name of religion over controversial blasphemy charges.

The controversial blasphemy incidents must be investigated thoroughly and minorities should be allowed to live freely without any discrimination.

Bishop Asad Marshall, the president of the Church of Pakistan said on X, “Yet again, hate has brought us to the place where we must ask questions.”

“We lift our voices in lament, regret, solidarity, and for an honest plea for justice,” said the Bishop Marshall.



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