2024.08.01 (목)

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기상청 제공


Daring Safety Champaign 2024; Walking for the Crime Victims

"We will provide sufficient support to crime victims through the deployment of manpower" Mr.park said


Newsnomics AJAY ANGELINA reporter |

‘Daring Safety Campaign’ event was held by the Ministry of Justice and the National Crime Victims Support

Association at the open stage of Seoul Children’s Grand Park in Gwangjin-gu, Seoul on June 15, 2024 (Sat)

at 11:00.

‘Daring’ is a social campaign in which ordinary citizens walk together to support the healing and recovery of

crime victims that promote social protection and support for the crime victims.


‘Daring’ is a compound word of ‘All’ and ‘Ring’ symbolizes ‘everyone’ becoming one within a ‘circle’ with one

goal. It means that everyone should come together as one and become a fence for crime victims.


Since 2014, ‘Daring Safe Campaign’ held every year and continue urging interest among the public.


About 1,000 people participated in the ‘Daring Safety Campaign’ event including Park Sung-jae the Minister of Justice, Kim Gap-sik, the president of the National Crime Victims Support Association, crime victim support

workers, and citizens. 


The total of 38,815 citizens participated in the ‘Sharing Walk Challenge’ event, online through the ‘Walkon

App’ being opened from May 28, showing high interest and support for crime victim protection support.


Daring Safety Campaign’ event started with the opening speech by the Minister of Justice promoted the

protection and support system for crime victims. The event followed a sharing walk along the Seoul Children's Grand Park trail. After that, various cultural events were held in victims support and protection.


Park Seong-jae, in his opening speech said, “The Ministry of Justice has been improving the protection and

support system to suit the needs of victims.”


He emphasized that, the Seoul Crime Victims One-Stop Solution Center will be opened in the coming July

and 17 crime victims’ centers will be in charge of one-stop crime centers nationwide.”


Mr. Park said, “We will provide sufficient support to crime victims through the deployment of manpower.


“We ask for the public’s continued interest and support so that crime victims can return to their daily lives”

he added.


The Ministry of Justice will continue to serve as the overall department responsible for protection and support for crime victims by cooperating with related organizations and private organizations to ensure that crime

victims feel better.


“We will strengthen the victim protection and support system” said the Ministry of Justice.




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