2024.10.22 (화)

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기상청 제공


2024-Global talent job fair in Seoul

"The fair will bring you closer to your dream job!"


Newsnomics AJAY ANGELINA reporter |


South Korean Ministry of trade, Industry & Energy together with the Ministry of Labor and Employment is going to host Global Talent Job Fair scheduled for 27~28 August 2024 at COEX, 3rd Floor D-hall, Conference room E, Seoul from 10 am ~5 pm.


2024 Global talent Fair is aimed to provide opportunity for the international students seeking Job in Korea, to support Korean youth seeking employment overseas as well to support the recruitment of foreign-invested companies in Korea.


1)    Th event is facilitating International Students in Korea to become a part of Korean companies searching for the high-quality foreign talent.

2)    It will be a great opportunity to support recruitment of foreign-invested companies in Korea.

3)    As well, this event will be a support for talented Korean youth seeking for the job abroad.


Global Talent Job Fair is expected to be one of the wide-reaching events as 100 Korean companies will be the part of this event.


The Fair also contain various informative events that will be fruitful for the successful start of your career in Korea.

The event is providing with the 1:1 Interviews & consultations, Job concert based on career monologue & cooperate recruitment session, 1:1 Consulting (resume editing, mock interviews, image consulting, etc.), as well the onsite participation and visa counselling via Ministry of justice.


KOTRA is currently accepting applications for Pre-scheduled interviews and participants. recruitment through the fair's official website. 


Official Website to register: https://jffis.kotra.biz/


The direction map to reach the place is mentioned below for your concern.





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