2025.03.06 (목)

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기상청 제공


1 died as Electric vehicle caught fire in Pyeongtaek

The Fire authorities along with the provincial police will investigate the cause of accident in detail.


Newsnomics AJAY ANGELINA reporter |


An electric vehicle caused the death of 1 person being caught fire after crashing into a road structure in Pyeongtaek city, Gyeonggi Province.


According to the Gyeonggi Provincial Fire and Disaster Headquarters on the 9th, at 7:41 p.m. a Kia EV6 electric car traveling toward the drainage pumping station on a road in Poseup-eup, Pyeongtaek-si crashed into the right boundary stone and caught fire immediately after the accident.” 


The fire authorities, right after receiving the report extinguished the fire in about 3 hours and 50 minutes by mobilizing a portable fire extinguishing tank.


A man in his 40s was found in cardiac arrest in the passenger seat of the vehicle.


The fire department mobilized 15 pieces of equipment and 54 personnel to extinguish the fire, and going to investigate the cause of the accident in detail together with the police.


The police plan to request an autopsy on the body from the National Institute of Forensic Science.


A police official said, “We plan to confirm the identity of the body found and investigate the exact circumstances of the accident.



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