2024.09.11 (수)

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기상청 제공


A man accused of threatening and obstructing the execution of official duties sentenced to a prison of 10 months

“We will continue to deal strictly with defiantly motivated serious violent crimes and copycat crimes."


Newsnomics AJAY ANGELINA reporter |

A man in his 30s, who announced on an online community that he would go on a knife rampage at Seoul

Station, was sentenced to a prison of 10 months.


On 30, the Seoul Northern District Prosecutor's Office announced that it appealed the first trial ruling that sentenced Mr. A (33) to 10 months in prison accused of threatening and obstructing the execution of official duties by posting a message on an Internet community predicting a knife attack at Seoul Station. 


On May 22nd, Mr. A posted on the Internet community DC Inside, ‘I am going to Seoul Station to commit a

stabbing attack on May 24th. I will kill 50 men and women” he posted.


The prosecution stated the reason for the appeal, saying, “Mr. A caused extreme confusion and anxiety in society by predicting that he would stab people at Seoul Station, which is a place used by many people. His crime is serious as he caused unnecessary police manpower to be wasted.” 


According to the prosecution, a total of 50 police officers and Transportation Corporation employees were on emergency duty from May 22nd to 24th.


The prosecution said, “We also took into account the fact that Mr. A was in the middle of a similar crime period and had multiple criminal records of the same type, so there was a high risk of re offending.” 

As Compared to the 3-year prison sentence, we judged that the first trial sentence did not meet the nature of the crime.” 


The prosecution said, “We will continue to deal strictly with defiantly motivated serious violent crimes and copycat crimes targeting unspecified people to ensure that punishment commensurate with the crime is




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