2024.11.02 (토)

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기상청 제공


11th Cultural Talk for Diversity & Inclusion Highlights Psychological Safety

11th Cultural Talk for Diversity and Inclusion brought together esteemed speakers Jonathan Orr, Ting Fai Yu, and Julia Cselotei, who emphasized the pivotal role of psychological safety in diverse workplaces. And the discussion was smoothly moderated by Sophie Dowden.

뉴스노믹스 김지혜 기자 |


11th Cultural Talk for Diversity & Inclusion Highlights Psychological Safety


The 11th Cultural Talk for Diversity and Inclusion brought together esteemed speakers Jonathan Orr, Ting Fai Yu, and Julia Cselotei, who emphasized the pivotal role of psychological safety in diverse workplaces.


And the discussion was smoothly moderated by Sophie Dowden.


This conference fostered an open dialogue, allowing participants to share their thoughts and experiences, thereby enriching the discussion surrounding psychological safety, especially in multicultural contexts.


Julia Cselotei opened her address by engagingly sharing her insights on psychological safety, defining it as a shared belief within a team that members can express their thoughts and concerns without fear of negative repercussions.


This concept, as emphasized by Amy Edmonson, is essential for promoting open communication and collaboration within any organization. Together with Ting Fai Yu, they focused on the importance of psychological safety from an Asian perspective.


Ting Fai Yu highlighted the significance of understanding cultural complexities to effectively foster psychological safety in diverse environments.


He initiated surveys exploring teams’ perceptions of risk, stressing the critical role of leadership in cultivating inclusive workplaces.


Julia Cselotei also underscored the necessity of nurturing an environment where individuals feel free to express themselves, sharing her experiences in facilitating cross-cultural discussions. She called for a shift from mere comfort zones to achieving true psychological safety.


The speakers also discussed how cultural contexts, such as power distance, can influence psychological safety.


They noted that different cultural backgrounds create unique challenges in communication and teamwork by shaping what individuals perceive as risks.


Jonathan Orr shared his insights on the vital concept of psychological safety in multicultural workplaces. He cautioned against relying solely on Western definitions, particularly those from the United States, which may overlook essential cultural nuances found in regions like Asia. Jonathan Orr pointed out that while individualism is often valued in Western societies, it can unintentionally lead to feelings of isolation among employees, thus impeding creativity and innovation.


He advocated for workplace environments that promote open communication and safe spaces, enabling all team members to share their ideas without fear of judgment or reprisal. By fostering an inclusive culture, organizations can enhance employee mental well-being, productivity.


Throughout the conference, participants actively engaged, sharing personal experiences that highlighted the importance of psychological safety.


The session concluded with a unanimous agreement on the critical need to promote psychological safety not only in workplaces but also as a fundamental societal value, even in the face of many other challenges encountered.


By understanding and respecting cultural differences, organizations can empower their employees to thrive, leading to greater innovation and productivity.


Cultural Talk for Diversity & Inclusion is a virtual event held every two months, featuring invited speakers from diverse countries and backgrounds.


For further questions or inquiries about this event, please contact the organizer, Jane Jihye Kim, at janekimjh@naver.com.



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