2024.12.31 (화)

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기상청 제공


Introducing the Book: Women, Restarting Their Journeys

This book encapsulates the evolving experiences of women who, despite societal challenges, find new ways to engage and succeed in both personal and professional spheres.

뉴스노믹스 김지혜 기자 |


Introducing the Book: Women, Restarting Their Journeys


Women, Restarting Their Journeys offers a heartfelt exploration of the stories of career-interrupted women from diverse backgrounds, reflecting the shifting dynamics of today's society. The book provides a message of hope, encouraging readers to see the world through a feminine lens and engage more actively in societal change. Through the personal journeys of its six co-authors, the book shares stories of struggle, growth, and resilience, offering a kaleidoscope of emotions and inspiration to its readers.


Divided into three sections, the book first delves into the lives the authors led before their career breaks. The second part focuses on how these women, despite setbacks such as marriage, motherhood, and other life challenges, made choices that led to renewed growth and success. In the final section, the authors discuss their thoughts on the meaning of "career" for women today, offering guidance and encouragement to readers navigating similar paths.



Author Spotlights:


Kim Sun-young (Founder of Seonjin Education) majored in information and communication engineering and had a successful corporate career. However, after facing challenges at work, she took a break for marriage and motherhood, including a five-year career gap. She eventually returned as an IT education expert, shaping education policy and serving as an advisor to the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family in South Korea. For Kim, a career is the "master key" to a better life, providing the strength to navigate new challenges.


Nam Seung-hwa (CEO of SUPFlow and Director at Batit) previously worked as an English teacher and overseas business guide before her career break. During that time, she pursued online and offline education, including fashion design and entrepreneurship courses. Now, she is the CEO of multiple companies and actively leads a community for self-directed women entrepreneurs. Her goal is to continue working sustainably and serve as a role model for her son.


Hwang Yoon-jung (Founder of IHE Mindfulness) worked in insurance and accounting before her career break. She spent her break advocating for shared parenting, leading non-violent communication groups, and teaching at alternative schools. Today, she is a mindfulness educator, non-violent communication instructor, and corporate trainer. Her dream is to cultivate a peaceful life by sharing her skills in mindfulness and non-violent group counseling.


Lim Ha-yul (Founder of Oblive Corporation) previously worked as a corporate trainer. Recognizing the challenges of returning to work after pregnancy, she started an online business when her child was just 100 days old. Today, she runs a home-living product business and serves as president of the Self-Directed Women Entrepreneurs Association. Her vision is to build a company where women can freely pursue their ideas while balancing family life.


Gil Jin-hwa (Founder of ACTYoung Institute) was an English education expert for young children before her career break. During her break, she continued her research and stayed connected with the education community. Today, she runs her own consulting firm, develops English education programs, and supports teachers' professional development. Her goal is to create a platform that helps women restart their careers and expand her educational model nationwide.


As a co-author of this book, I, Jane Jihye Kim work as a culturalist, providing training to corporate clients and expatriates, helping them work effectively with Korea or in overseas. I run a community called “Cultural Talk for Diversity & Inclusion,” which is a virtual conference platform for anyone who wants to share their knowledge and experience in DEI (Diversity, Equity & Inclusion).


One of the book's key messages is that a "career break" is not an end, but a pause. As the discourse shifts from "career-interrupted women" to "career-possessing women," the six co-authors demonstrate that they are not merely returning to work but have enriched their skills during their time away. Their experiences of patience, compromise, self-reflection, and growth are invaluable. By focusing not just on success but also on personal happiness and joy, they exemplify how to live a truly fulfilled life.


If you have any inquiries or questions about this book or related events, please contact Jane Jihye Kim at janekimjh@naver.com.



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