2025.01.17 (금)

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기상청 제공


"Exploring the Healing Connection Between Humans and Dogs"

The 12th Cultural Talk for Diversity & Inclusion, held on November 30, 2024

뉴스노믹스 김지혜 기자 |


The 12th Cultural Talk for Diversity & Inclusion, held on November 30, 2024, brought together diverse voices to explore “The Healing Connection Between Humans and Dogs.”


This inspiring event highlighted the critical role dogs play in fostering physical, emotional, and social well-being for individuals and communities.


The conference began with a presentation by the BeThere Team from Sungkyunkwan University, participants in the prestigious S-Global Challenger Program.


Sponsored by their university, the team’s project delved into the United Kingdom’s service dog and senior support systems, applying their findings to address similar needs in Korea.



BeThere Team’s "Companion Walking Program"


Seongmin, Yoojeong, and Mamhoon from the BeThere Team introduced their "Companion Walking Program," an innovative initiative designed to promote mutual enrichment for retired special-purpose dogs and seniors with mild cognitive impairment.


The program, which included guided walks, free interaction at a dog playground, and a therapeutic drawing diary activity, aimed to enhance social exposure for rescue and retired working dogs while offering emotional and physical benefits to seniors.


Despite challenges such as securing partner institutions and participant recruitment, the program concluded successfully with certificates and appreciation letters presented to participants.


The BeThere Team collaborated with the Kennel Association of Korean Rescue Dogs to advocate for fostering and adopting dogs, particularly those with traumatic backgrounds.


They emphasized the importance of responsible dog ownership, the therapeutic potential of rescue dogs, and the role of service animals in assisting individuals with disabilities.



The second speaker, Henry Cameron, an American service dog user currently residing in Spain, shared personal experiences navigating international travel with his service dog.


He highlighted the disparities in laws and accommodations for service dogs in different countries, underscoring the need for better education and awareness about their vital role as essential medical aids.


Henry emphasized the importance of proper training, certification, and societal acceptance of service dogs.


The session also included discussions on the profound emotional and therapeutic support dogs provide. Samar, a participant, shared reflections on the significance of meaningful interactions with dogs, highlighting their ability to foster healing and emotional growth.


The event concluded with a renewed call to action for fostering empathy, understanding, and inclusion through the lens of the human-dog connection.


Speakers and participants alike encouraged society to better support the work of service and assistance dogs, celebrating their invaluable contribution to individuals and communities worldwide.


The 12th Cultural Talk for Diversity & Inclusion reminded us of the unique bond between humans and dogs, urging us to rethink our approach to fostering compassion and celebrating diversity.


Cultural Talk for Diversity & Inclusion is a virtual event held every two months, featuring invited speakers from diverse countries and backgrounds.


For further questions or inquiries about this event, please contact the organizer, Jane Jihye Kim, at



Cultural Talk for Diversity & Inclusion Group





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