Newsnomics AJAY ANGELINA Reporter | 2023 Korea-Pacific Islands summit, the first-ever Summit between the Republic of Korea and the pacific Islands is going to held in Seoul on May 29~30, 2023. The first ever multilateral summit to be held in Korea signals the full-scale implementation of the ROK's Indo- Pacific Strategy, the first comprehensive regional strategy in Korea’s diplomatic history. The theme of Korea-Pacific Island Summit is "Navigating towards Co-Prosperity: Strengthening Cooperation with the Blue Pacific" reflects the commitment of Korea and the Pacific Island countries to navigat
Newsnomics AJAY ANGELINA reporter | The Republic of Korea and the United Kingdom marks the 140 years of diplomatic ties between the two nations simultaneously commemorates the 140th anniversary of diplomatic ties as well as the 70th anni- versary of the armistice this year 2023 that evaluate the development of solidarity between the both countries. South Korean foreign Minister Park Jin attended the coronation ceremony of King Charles III and a reception for the 140th anniversary of diplomatic ties between Korea and the United Kingdom hosted by the British Embassy in Korea on Wednesday May 3,
Newsnomics AJAY ANGELINA reporter | MAMF, the largest cultural diversity festival in South Korea is celebrating its 18thanniversary from October 20~22, 2023 at Changwon Yongji Cultural Park and Seongsan Art Hall. MAMP means 'Migrants' Arirang Multicultural Festival', means a festival in which Koreans and immigrants harmonize through the coexistence of Korean emotions contained in 'Arirang' and multiculturalism of 'Multi cultural'. It is always a festival that everyone enjoys together as one, and an event to create a culture without racial discrimination, where you can experience culture and fo
Newsnomics AJAY ANGELINA reporter | Approximately 20,000 illegal immigrants, includ ing 12,833 crackdowns and 12,163 voluntary departures has been investigated by the Ministry of Justice, operated a regular illegal stay crack down system, since the beginning of this year, said the Ministry of Justice on Wednesday May 3,2023. The government's joint crackdown was conducted by the Ministry of justice, the National Police Agency, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, Ministry of Employment and Labor, Korea Coast Guard, etc. with a focus on areas that can create great social harm, such as
Newsnomics AJAY ANGELINA reporter | Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida is scheduled to visit South Korea for two days from May 7~8, 2023 to further improve bilateral ties between the two nations. On Tuesday, the South Korean presidential office and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan simultaneously announced that prime minister Kishida and his ruling Liberal Democratic Party is going to visit South Korea, that will mark his first visit since he took office in October 2021. The leaders of both countries will hold a Korea-Japan summit on May 7, with the same format as did the South Korea
Newsnomics AJAY ANGELINA reporter | South Korean President Yoon and the Us president Biden has jointly established the “Strategic Cyber Security Cooperation Framework” (cooperation document), another milestone to expand the ROK-US alliance to cyberspace, took advantage of the occasion of 70th anniversary of the ROK-US alliance during a summit held in Washington on April 26, 2023. President Yoon and President Biden has declared for the first time that “the two nations will expand the traditional security alliance of land, sea and air defense to the field of cyber security, and it will serve as
Newsnomics AJAY ANGELINA reporter | South Korea and the US space alliance agreement is an opening of new era to strengthen the cooperative bond between the two countries not only in military and economic alliance but now on in a technological alliance too. South Korean President Yoon Seok-yeol has visited the NASA Goddard Research Center in the US States on Tuesday April 25, 2023. President Yoon was warmly welcomed by the Kamala D. Harris, the Vice President of the United States and the chairman of the US Space Commission and Solidarity for Space Alliance and agreed to make strong bond of spac
Newsnomics AJAY ANGELINA reporter | “South Korea is the second home for every foreigner who come here in search of better life. All you have to do is to follow the rules and do y our best with sincere heart and devote your hard work for the economic development of the beloved country. South Korea has much to pay you back.” said M. Rashid to the Newsnomics. M. Mohammad Rashid from Pakistan is an example of sincerity, hard work, devotion and motivation for the Pakistani community as well as for the foreigners from all countries residing in South Korea. His devotional contributions for the econom
Newsnomics AJAY ANGELINA reporter | South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol has departed for the US to make his state visit on Monday to hold a summit with U.S. President Joe Biden and commemorate the 70th anniversary of the two countries' Bilateral alliance. "President Yoon and President Biden will celebrate the achievements of the alliance over the past 70 years and will exchange deep views about the future direction of the alliance," said Kim Tae Hyo, South Korea's principal deputy national security adviser. President Yoon's state visit to the US consists of six-days starts from Monday April 2
Newsnomics AJAY ANGELINA reporter | According to the South Korean ministry of Foreign affairs, minister Park Jin will focus on the appalling human rights situation in North Korea in his pre-recorded congratulatory remarks to be delivered at the conference on “North Korean Human Rights and International Cooperation: The Way Forward after the UN Commission of Inquiry (COI)+10,” going to held in Washington, D.C., on April 21, 2023, local time, sponsored by the United States Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) and supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Ko
Newsnomics AJAY ANGELINA reporter | A huge landslide in the Northwest Khyber Pass of Pakistan has killed at least three, injured many others and buried more than twenty vehicles on Tuesday April 18,2023. The landslide occurred during a thunder and lightning storm on the main road near Torkham, a key border crossing between Pakistan and Afghanistan in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province (KPK). " Abdul Nasir Khan, the deputy commissioner of the Khyber district said, “"The wreckage is quite extensive and our rescue operation is continuing with heavy machinery." Bilal Faizi, spokesman for the Rescue 1
Newsnomics AJAY ANGELINA reporter | The Muslims around the world are going to celebrate Eid-ul-Fitr, a three days festival on Friday, April 21 or Saturday, April 22, 2023 vary upon sighting the moon on the last day of Ramadan. Eid-ul-Fitr, also known as Eid-al-Fitr or 'Meethi Eid' is the most widely celebrated Islamic festival by Muslims around the world in Shawwal month according to the Islamic calendar. Eid-ul-Fitr is a time of joy and generosity to express gratitude to Allah for the blessings of Ramadan. It is a time to celebrate with friends and family by exchanging gifts and greetings, we
Newsnomics AJAY ANGELINA reporter | ‘Drug Eradication Campaign’ a powerful leap towards the drug free South Korea by the Ministry of Justice is going to begin from Saturday April 15, 2023. The purpose of ‘Drug Eradication Campaign’ is to prevent the nation from drugs that spread like an epidemic around the country by linking strong drug control, rehabilitation and treatment, prevention education, and make the Republic of Korea a drug- free country again. Yang Hak-seon, a gymnast, gold medalist at the 2012 London Olympics and public relations ambassador for the Ministry of Justice has participa
Newsnomics AJAY ANGELINA reporter | India, today is celebrating “Vaisakhi” or “Baisakhi” the most important prominent festival around different regions of the country. It is celebrated in various Indian states with different names such as Pana Sankranti in Orissa, Puthandu in Tamilnadu, Naba Barsha or Pohela Boishakh in West Bengal Sankranti, and Bohag Bihu in Assam. As per Hindu Calendar, “Vaisakhi” is observed on the first day of Vaisakh month (April-May) every year and is also known as Solar New Year. “Vaisakhi” is vastly famous among the Sikh community belongs to Punjab and Haryana, celebr
Newsnomics AJAY ANGELINA reporter | More than 100 casualties including women and children have been reported after the airstrike done by the Myanmar military, one of the deadliest attacks so far in the civil war. On Tuesday, Myanmar air force dropped multiple bombs directly and used helicopters blitzed into a crowd of people at 8 a.m. gathered for the opening ceremony of a local defense force office connected to junta opponents outside Pazigyi village in Sagaing region's Kanbalu township, an area 110 kilometers (70 miles) north of Mandalay, the country's second largest city. “The jet dropped b
뉴스노믹스 전상천 기자 | 아리랑TV는 오는 12일 열린송현 녹지광장에서 외국인과 내국인 관객을 위한 무료 힐링콘서트 ‘PLAY with K’를 개최한다고 밝혔다. 이번 공연은 11월 중 진행되는 공연 중 두 번째로 송소희, 공중그늘, 극동아시아타이거즈, 썬더릴리 등 네 팀의 뮤지션이 90분 동안 신나는 무대를 선사한다. 공연 진행은 한국어와 영어로 이뤄져 외국인 관객들도 더욱 쉽게 참여하고 즐길 수 있다. ‘PLAY with K’는 외국인들에게 한국 음악의 매력을 전하고, 음악을 통해 소통하는 기회를 제공하고자 기획됐다. 공연 실황은 영상으로 제작해 아리랑TV를 통해 전 세계로 방영되며 온라인 채널에도 업로드할 예정이다. 무료 공연 신청: 웹사이트:
뉴스노믹스 전상천 기자 | 소액 해외 송금 서비스 코인샷의 운영사인 핀샷이 코인샷 카드에 교통카드 TAB 기능을 출시, 이용자들로부터 호응을 얻고 있다고 23일 밝혔다. □ 외국인 필수 금융 솔루션, 코인샷 카드 국내 거주 외국인 고객을 주 고객층으로 하는 코인샷 서비스는 소액 해외 송금 서비스에서 더 나아가 2022년 12월 외국인 특화 결제 상품을 출시했다. 출시 2년을 맞는 해당 카드는 선불전자지급수단인 코인샷 월렛과 연동해 온라인, 오프라인에서의 결제는 물론 선불 교통카드 기능과 ATM 현금 입출금 기능까지 지원한다. 그간 외국인 근로자들은 여러 가지 제약에 의해 간편 결제 서비스 이용이 어려웠다. 핀샷은 다국적 언어지원과 간편한 가입 절차 등을 통해 금융 서비스 이용의 진입장벽을 낮추기 위해 노력했다. 카드 출시 이후에도 고객의 라이프 스타일에 맞는 서비스를 제공하기 위해 온·오프라인을 통해 고객의 의견을 청취했다. 코인샷 카드의 ATM 현금 입출금 기능과 자동 충전 기능 등이 맞춤형 서비스의 일환으로, 해당 기능 추가 이후 ‘서비스 이용이 더 편해졌다’는 호평을 받고 있다. 핀샷은 "코인샷 카드를 한국 내에서 외국인들이 자유롭게 금융 활동을 할 수
뉴스노믹스 전상천 기자 | 경기도가 16일부터 외국인 여성청소년을 대상으로 생리용품 구매 전용 무기명카드 발급 시범사업에 나선다. 앞서 도는 2021년 전국 최초로 ‘여성청소년 생리용품 보편 지원사업’을 도입하고, 올해부터 지원 대상을 도내 등록 외국인과 국내거소신고를 한 외국국적동포 청소년까지 확대했다. 이번 시범사업은 휴대전화가 없거나 언어장벽의 문제로 ‘여성청소년 생리용품 보편 지원사업’ 신청에 어려움을 겪는 외국인 여성청소년이 별도의 회원가입 절차 없이 바로 경기지역화폐를 사용해 생리용품을 구매할 수 있도록 무기명카드를 지원하는 것이다. 사업 대상 지역은 도 전체 외국인 여성청소년의 절반 이상이 거주하고 있는 안산과 평택을 선정했다. 두 지역에 거주하는 참여 희망 11세 이상 18세 이하 외국인 여성청소년은 16일부터 11월 15일까지 가까운 읍면동 주민센터를 방문해 신청하면 된다. 중복 확인 절차를 거쳐 선정된 대상자에게는 1인당 월 1만 3천 원, 연 최대 15만 6천 원의 생리용품 구입비가 시군 지역화폐 카드로 지급된다. 카드는 오는 12월 31일까지 각 시군 내 편의점(CU, GS25, 세븐일레븐, 이마트24)에서 사용할 수 있다. 고영미 경기
뉴스노믹스 전상천 기자 | 경기도공익활동지원센터가 지난 13일 의정부이주노동자센터와 (주)매직북스 간 ‘1기업-1단체 공익파트너십 캠페인’을 진행했다. ‘1기업-1단체 공익파트너십 캠페인’은 기업과 공익활동단체의 일대일 연계·협력을 통해 도내 사회공헌활동 및 ESG 경영 확산을 위해 추진된 사업이다. 이번 캠페인을 통해 (주)매직북스는 이주노동자 노동권과 체류 권익 보호를 위해 6개 국어로 번역된 ‘이주노동자를 위한 법률정보’ 600부를 의정부이주노동자센터에 후원했다. (주)매직북스는 교재·교구를 제조하고 교과서, 학습 서적 등을 출판하는 여성기업이자 사회적·벤처기업이다. 의정부이주노동자센터에서는 고용허가제(E-9) 비자로 국내에 온 이주노동자의 임금 및 퇴직금 체불, 사업장 변경 등에 대한 상담을 20건 실시했다. 공익활동지원센터는 지난 2월 5개의 기업단체를 모집해 5월부터 본격적인 활동을 시작했다. 유명화 경기도공익활동지원센터장은 “경기북부 이주노동자 권익 보호를 실천하기 위해 캠페인을 마련했다”며 “경기북부 1기업-1단체 공익파트너십 캠페인 사업이 북부 기업과 단체의 좋은 협력 사례가 되기를 바란다”고 말했다.
뉴스노믹스 김지혜 기자 | 11th Cultural Talk for Diversity & Inclusion Highlights Psychological Safety The 11th Cultural Talk for Diversity and Inclusion brought together esteemed speakers Jonathan Orr, Ting Fai Yu, and Julia Cselotei, who emphasized the pivotal role of psychological safety in diverse workplaces. And the discussion was smoothly moderated by Sophie Dowden. This conference fostered an open dialogue, allowing participants to share their thoughts and experiences, thereby enriching the discussion surrounding psychological safety, especially in multicultural contexts. Julia Cselotei opened