Newsnomics AJAY ANGELINA reporter | Park Jin-jae, head of the ‘National Citizens' Protection Solidarity’ who privately arrested immigrants across the country, produced and distributed YouTube content was found guilty during a police investigation and handed over to the prosecution. Not only the representative of the ‘National Citizens Protection Solidarity’ but other 10 members has also been prosecuted in charge of sparked controversy over the illegal arrest of unregistered aliens. On May 30, the Daegu Police Agency's criminal task force announced that it had sent 10 people, including Mr. A, t
Newsomics AJAY ANGELINA reporter | South Korean government announced to severely punish the Korean citizens if they will be investigated to consume drugs such as marijuana while visiting the overseas countries where taking drugs is legal. As the number of countries where marijuana is legal is increasing among the countries that Koreans frequently visit, there are also the cases where people mistakenly believe that anyone can use drugs such as marijuana in those countries. However, if our citizens visit a country where marijuana is legal and use drugs such as marijuana, they will be severely pu
Newsnomics AJAY ANGELINA reporter | The status of mandatory employment of the disabled evaluated until December of last year 2023 is announced by Lee Jeong-sik, the Minister of Employment on May 23. The overall average employment rate of the disabled in 2023 was seen 3.17%, 3.86% in the public sector, and 2.99% in the private sector as per Ministry of labor and employment. Looking at the 10-years trend, the employment rate and size of the disabled continued to rise, and the rate of public sector was higher than the private sector. The employment rate of disabled people in the public sector was
Newsnomics AJAY ANGELINA reporter | Another case of blasphemy can be seen with open eyes arise in Pakistan that presents the glimpse of ignorance among the community that deals with their own human less behaviors. Two Christians, Nazir Masih and his son Sultan Masih living in Sargodha region of Pakistan were brutally attacked in charge of false blasphemy allegations by the Muslim mob on Saturday morning. More than 300 Muslim mob including clerics and Islamic students gathered and imposed allegations of desecrating pages of the Quran and discarding them in front of the small shoe factory of Naz
Newsnomics AJAY ANGELINA reporter | KOICA- the Korea International Cooperation Agency has donated a groundbreaking amount of $39 million to UNICEF in regard to fuel the climate-smart social services in the East Asia-Pacific, Eastern and Southern Africa regions. UNICEF-KOICA Climate Partnership Memorandum of Understanding Agreement was signed in Bali, Indonesia, on the sidelines of the 2024 World Water Forum, on May 21, 2024. The purpose of three-year initiative between two organizations aims to secure child-critical social services as well as empower children as climate change advocates. UNICE
Newsnomics AJAY ANGELINA reporter | “The facility for the issuance and renewal of identity cards will be made available at the Union Council (UC) level across Pakistan” has been announced by Mohsin Naqvi, the Federal Interior Minister of Pakistan on Friday. Additionally, bio-metric machines will be installed at union council levels nationwide. The announcement came after his visit to the National Database and Registration Authority (NADRA) headquarters where he chaired an important meeting where multiple proposals were discussed to make NADRA more convenient & people-friendly. Mohsin Naqvi
Newsnomics AJAY ANGELINA reporter | The awareness of LGBTQ rights violations and stimulate interest in LGBTQ rights should be arisen among the people, the south Korea’s human rights commission called for Koreans and the government on Friday. LGBTQ term includes lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer or questioning, also referred to as LGBTQIA+ that include les¬bian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer, questioning, intersex, asexual and more identities. It is a community that highly face rejection, violence, suicide and homelessness when compared to their general population peers. Song Doo-hwan, c
Newsnomics AJAY ANGELINA reporter | South Korea’s labor force is predicted to shrink by 10 million in the coming two decades as the economically active nation is struggling with the ageing population and the low birth rates showed the data released on Monday May 6,2024. According to the Korean Peninsula Population Institute for the Future, a private think tank in Seoul., “the number of people aged between 15 and 64 stood at 36.57 million in 2023 is projected to go down to 27.17 million in 2044. As per data report, the number of elementary school freshmen that was 430,000 in 2023 is set to near
Newsnomics AJAY ANGELINA reporter | According to the Korean financial investment industry, the Paradise stock price closed at 15,410 won on the 3rd, the most recent trading day. It rose 8.36% compared to March 29 (14,220 won). In addition, GKL rose 9.10% from 12,860 won to 14,030 won during the same period, and Lotte Tourism Development rose 3.68% from 9,790 won to 10,150 won. It is higher than the KOSPI and KOSDAQ returns of -2.55% and -4.40% during the same period according to the financial investment industry report on May 7,2024 This upward trend can be interpreted as the result of the rec
Newsnomics AJAY ANGELINA reporter | South Korean Ministry of Justice and the Human Resources Development Service of Korea agreed to work together in regard to ensure the stable performance of national exams by signing a business agreement (MOU) on Friday, May 3, 2024. Both organizations are working together to increase public trust in more stable national test operations. Both organizations share necessary information for the operation and management of national exams and cooperate. According to the MOU signed between the Ministry of Justice and Human Resources Development Service of Korea.1)
뉴스노믹스 AJAY ANGELINA 기자 | At least 20 died and other 21injured in a road accident on the Karakorum Highway in Gilgit-Baltistan’s Diamer district, Pakistan on Friday morning reported by the rescue officials. Shoukat Riaz, the rescue officer at Diamer district said, “the bus travelling from Rawalpindi to Gilgit overturned and landed near the banks of the Indus River as the driver lost control near Gunar Farm.” The incident took place at around 5:30 am” Mr. Riaz added. The injured have been shifted to Chilas Hospital, the rescue officer said. “Among the 21 injured, the condition of five is very cr
뉴스노믹스 AJAY ANGELINA 기자 | Pakistan's Consumer Price Index (CPI) based inflation was recorded lowest at 17.3% year-on-year in April - the lowest in nearly two years and well below the government's expectations, showed by Pakistan Bureau of Statistics (PBS) on Thursday May 2,2024. “This is the lowest reading in the last 23 months after May 2022,” said Mohammed Sohail, CEO of Topline Securities. Pakistan economy is continually battling with lowest inflation showcase topping 20% since May 2022, peaking at a staggering 38% last May. The recorded high inflation rates coincided with the reforms implem
뉴스노믹스 AJAY ANGELINA 기자 | South Korean government announced to recruit 300 foreign workers annually to meet the need of labor shortage in its aircraft manufacturing industry amid nation's declining birthrate. South Korean government, after consultations with the Korea Aerospace Industries Association and relevant industries announced its plan to invite 300 migrant workers on a pilot basis at least for two-years in order to address workforce shortages in the aviation manufacturing sector. This measure is being implemented by the government as the Korean aircraft manufacturers have been experienc
Newsnomics AJAY ANGELINA reporter | South Korean government is deploying 100 Filipino household helpers in Seoul going to start their work in early August announced by the Ministry of Employment and labor. South Korea, by issuing E-9 visa to Filipino domestic workers is going to expand domestic services like child care and housekeeping that were limited to the agriculture, fisheries, manufacturing, construction sectors, food serving in Korean restaurants, hotels and resorts, forestry and mining. South Korea has completed discussions with the Philippine government in regard of Korea’s pilot pro
Newsnomics AJAY ANGELINA reporter | South korea is stepping forward to further developments on Han River by building a floating office, hotels buildings and create water sports facilities by 20230 announced by the Seoul Metropolitan Government on Wednesday April 24. Seoul’s Great Han River Project that was first unveiled in March 2023, seeks to enhance the river's use, improve the quality of life for its visitors, and develop infrastructure to broaden the range of activities available along the river planning to host over 10 million visitors, the city government said Wednesday. A total of 236.
뉴스노믹스 전상천 기자 | 아리랑TV는 오는 12일 열린송현 녹지광장에서 외국인과 내국인 관객을 위한 무료 힐링콘서트 ‘PLAY with K’를 개최한다고 밝혔다. 이번 공연은 11월 중 진행되는 공연 중 두 번째로 송소희, 공중그늘, 극동아시아타이거즈, 썬더릴리 등 네 팀의 뮤지션이 90분 동안 신나는 무대를 선사한다. 공연 진행은 한국어와 영어로 이뤄져 외국인 관객들도 더욱 쉽게 참여하고 즐길 수 있다. ‘PLAY with K’는 외국인들에게 한국 음악의 매력을 전하고, 음악을 통해 소통하는 기회를 제공하고자 기획됐다. 공연 실황은 영상으로 제작해 아리랑TV를 통해 전 세계로 방영되며 온라인 채널에도 업로드할 예정이다. 무료 공연 신청: 웹사이트:
뉴스노믹스 전상천 기자 | 소액 해외 송금 서비스 코인샷의 운영사인 핀샷이 코인샷 카드에 교통카드 TAB 기능을 출시, 이용자들로부터 호응을 얻고 있다고 23일 밝혔다. □ 외국인 필수 금융 솔루션, 코인샷 카드 국내 거주 외국인 고객을 주 고객층으로 하는 코인샷 서비스는 소액 해외 송금 서비스에서 더 나아가 2022년 12월 외국인 특화 결제 상품을 출시했다. 출시 2년을 맞는 해당 카드는 선불전자지급수단인 코인샷 월렛과 연동해 온라인, 오프라인에서의 결제는 물론 선불 교통카드 기능과 ATM 현금 입출금 기능까지 지원한다. 그간 외국인 근로자들은 여러 가지 제약에 의해 간편 결제 서비스 이용이 어려웠다. 핀샷은 다국적 언어지원과 간편한 가입 절차 등을 통해 금융 서비스 이용의 진입장벽을 낮추기 위해 노력했다. 카드 출시 이후에도 고객의 라이프 스타일에 맞는 서비스를 제공하기 위해 온·오프라인을 통해 고객의 의견을 청취했다. 코인샷 카드의 ATM 현금 입출금 기능과 자동 충전 기능 등이 맞춤형 서비스의 일환으로, 해당 기능 추가 이후 ‘서비스 이용이 더 편해졌다’는 호평을 받고 있다. 핀샷은 "코인샷 카드를 한국 내에서 외국인들이 자유롭게 금융 활동을 할 수
뉴스노믹스 전상천 기자 | 경기도가 16일부터 외국인 여성청소년을 대상으로 생리용품 구매 전용 무기명카드 발급 시범사업에 나선다. 앞서 도는 2021년 전국 최초로 ‘여성청소년 생리용품 보편 지원사업’을 도입하고, 올해부터 지원 대상을 도내 등록 외국인과 국내거소신고를 한 외국국적동포 청소년까지 확대했다. 이번 시범사업은 휴대전화가 없거나 언어장벽의 문제로 ‘여성청소년 생리용품 보편 지원사업’ 신청에 어려움을 겪는 외국인 여성청소년이 별도의 회원가입 절차 없이 바로 경기지역화폐를 사용해 생리용품을 구매할 수 있도록 무기명카드를 지원하는 것이다. 사업 대상 지역은 도 전체 외국인 여성청소년의 절반 이상이 거주하고 있는 안산과 평택을 선정했다. 두 지역에 거주하는 참여 희망 11세 이상 18세 이하 외국인 여성청소년은 16일부터 11월 15일까지 가까운 읍면동 주민센터를 방문해 신청하면 된다. 중복 확인 절차를 거쳐 선정된 대상자에게는 1인당 월 1만 3천 원, 연 최대 15만 6천 원의 생리용품 구입비가 시군 지역화폐 카드로 지급된다. 카드는 오는 12월 31일까지 각 시군 내 편의점(CU, GS25, 세븐일레븐, 이마트24)에서 사용할 수 있다. 고영미 경기
뉴스노믹스 전상천 기자 | 경기도공익활동지원센터가 지난 13일 의정부이주노동자센터와 (주)매직북스 간 ‘1기업-1단체 공익파트너십 캠페인’을 진행했다. ‘1기업-1단체 공익파트너십 캠페인’은 기업과 공익활동단체의 일대일 연계·협력을 통해 도내 사회공헌활동 및 ESG 경영 확산을 위해 추진된 사업이다. 이번 캠페인을 통해 (주)매직북스는 이주노동자 노동권과 체류 권익 보호를 위해 6개 국어로 번역된 ‘이주노동자를 위한 법률정보’ 600부를 의정부이주노동자센터에 후원했다. (주)매직북스는 교재·교구를 제조하고 교과서, 학습 서적 등을 출판하는 여성기업이자 사회적·벤처기업이다. 의정부이주노동자센터에서는 고용허가제(E-9) 비자로 국내에 온 이주노동자의 임금 및 퇴직금 체불, 사업장 변경 등에 대한 상담을 20건 실시했다. 공익활동지원센터는 지난 2월 5개의 기업단체를 모집해 5월부터 본격적인 활동을 시작했다. 유명화 경기도공익활동지원센터장은 “경기북부 이주노동자 권익 보호를 실천하기 위해 캠페인을 마련했다”며 “경기북부 1기업-1단체 공익파트너십 캠페인 사업이 북부 기업과 단체의 좋은 협력 사례가 되기를 바란다”고 말했다.
뉴스노믹스 김지혜 기자 | 11th Cultural Talk for Diversity & Inclusion Highlights Psychological Safety The 11th Cultural Talk for Diversity and Inclusion brought together esteemed speakers Jonathan Orr, Ting Fai Yu, and Julia Cselotei, who emphasized the pivotal role of psychological safety in diverse workplaces. And the discussion was smoothly moderated by Sophie Dowden. This conference fostered an open dialogue, allowing participants to share their thoughts and experiences, thereby enriching the discussion surrounding psychological safety, especially in multicultural contexts. Julia Cselotei opened